Do Great Danes make good guard dogs? How do you train them?

Do Great Danes make good guard dogs How do you train them? TOP 22 TIPS TO TRAIN YOUR DOG3! Hi friends,I had 6 years in dog training and let me share some useful dog traiining tips as below. I hope you enjoy it. 1. Weight Watching If you are worried that your puppy might gain too much weight because of the extra treats, you can use a portion of his daily food ration as part of his training treats. 2. Ring the Changes! Always use a good variety of treats, as this will keep your dog interested, and means you can use different types of food at different times in your trainiing. In general, treats are useful for calmer, slower exercises, where you want your dog to stay relaxed, and toys/games are useful for more energetic exercises, such as recall, where the dog comes running to you. You can enjoy a great game together, which will really make your dog's effort worthwhile, and encourage him to want to be with you! Buy Now 3. Brain training method: Brain Trainin...